Log Cabin Homes – Interview

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Steve, tell us about Log Cabin Homes. Where has the company been and what do you see it in the future?

The Original Log Cabin Homes opened its doors in 1987 in the center of the east coast in a town called Rocky Mount, NC. This coming year we celebrate our 25th Anniversary and plan to celebrate it with a bang. Since 1987 we have acquired two log home companies spreading our corporate owned operations from the far northeast to the far southeast. These locations in Port of Sanford (Orlando) Florida and Colchester Connecticut have been instrumental in our growth over the years.

What the future holds for us? During this economical down turn, we have taken every step we could possibly take to put our organization in the best possible position. I see nothing but growth from here forward.

Which wood species do you offer and which is most popular with your buyers?

By far the most popular choice of wood species is Eastern White Pine. However, from the very beginning, Log Cabin Homes has been one of the most versatile providers in this industry. Where many manufacturers promote the good qualities of one specific wood species… we offer wood species according to the customer’s needs and desires. For starters, we offer the four most widely used species in the industry which are Eastern White Pine, Western Red Cedar, Northern White Cedar and Bald Cypress. To add to the variety we can also accommodate other species such as Redwoods, Douglas Fir, and Spruce.

Can one customize the floor plans you display on your site? Is there an additional charge for this?

We are very proud of all our featured designs and standard floor plans but perhaps a customer wants something a little different. The majority of the homes we end up selling have modifications to suit the customer’s needs, tastes and desires. There is not a charge for any custom quotes. We also have an experienced design team that can handle any custom plan our clients may have. For clients who may require hiring architectural services, our on-staff Chief Architect who is licensed in all 50 states is available for hire.

What log profiles and corner styles does Log Cabin Homes offer?

To add fuel to the statement that we are one of the most versatile providers in the industry we offer close to a dozen standard log profiles, all of which are available in many sizes up to 12″ X 12″. In our advertisements you may notice that we show many of them with a comment that states “Your log profile or ours.” Yes, that means that we have customized log profiles in the past.

As for the corner joinery, we believe that this is key in determining the overall look of your home. We offer Classic Knotch and Pass, Contemporary, Dovetail, Saddle Knotch and Swedish Cope Corner Systems. With our State of the Art milling facilities all of these corner systems are easily applicable to our homes and are accomplished with nothing less than absolute precision.

I noted on your website that your company is a “Certified Green” manufacturer. What does this mean and does this cost the buyer anything extra?

We at The Original Log Cabin Homes are pleased to say that we have achieved Certified Green Dealer™ status, as a log home manufacturer, after its staff participated in voluntary educational training and testing on good green building techniques and green product choices in lumber and building materials.

The Certified Green Dealer Program was created under the auspices of LBM Journal, a national trade magazine serving the lumber and building material industry. The Program is based entirely on demonstrated understanding by lumber dealer personnel of “best practices” building science and green building basics.

What’s the best advice you would give to a new log home buyer?

This is a skeptical world we live in and so it should be. Let’s face the facts, in the housing industry there is a lot of “riff raff” so to speak. In my opinion, new log home buyers should make being a member in good standing with the Log Homes Council a prerequisite for any company or organization they choose to supply their log home.

Financing is much more difficult today than it was a few years ago. I’ve heard some companies say this is the #1 cause of missed business. How is your company addressing this problem?

We include a page on our website with our financial resources… With the many changes in the banking industry we are constantly seeking resources. By aligning ourselves with as many resources as possible we find ourselves narrowing that problem.

Has your company won any awards or been recognized for an outstanding product or service?

Yes as a matter of fact we have been. We are very proud to have received the “Cabin of the Year” award from Field & Stream Magazine in 2010. This selection is by far one of the greatest testimonies in the industry. We are deeply honored that though many were considered, only we were selected.

Aside from the “Cabin of the Year” award… We have had many different accomplishments that deserve to be noted. A few of them are the Builder Friendly Award from Log Home Living, Recognition from the Residential Warranty Company for High Standards of Technical Competency, Financial Stability & Ethical Business Practices, Green Recognition from Therma Tru Door Company, Excellence award from GAF Roofing, Andersen Windows and the Mastermark of Excellence award from Simpson Doors. We hold these honors very dear to us because they exemplify our commitment to our clients.

What would you tell someone who is planning to build, but wants to wait until the economy improves?

Let’s face it, the housing market is a tough business to be in at this point in time. I will say that there is no better time than now to build your dream home. Knowing that the cost of materials aren’t going to be going down in the future and the fact that thousands of builders across the United States are hungry for the business, it is a buyer’s market, so to speak. A customer is much more likely to get a much better bargain today from both the materials supplier and most certainly the contractor.

For the last question, what is the reason that you feel customers should consider The Original Log Cabin Homes for their project?

As you can see from our website we are very committed to customer satisfaction and excellence. It is clear from the recognitions from banks and our suppliers that we are a solid, financially stable company. More importantly, we are confident that our product is the best value for the money. We are so confident that we have recently started writing at 105% price guarantee with every proposal. If a client is going to build a log home, why would they choose anyone else when we guarantee the best price and have a very long track record of excellence?