Types of Log Home Windows

When building or designing a log home it's quite common to people not to give a thorough thinking in choosing their windows. This is often cause a big problem, because getting an inappropriate window will have costly effects. But with enough understanding and knowledge, you can make a great choice, conserving yourself in both cash and agony. There are actually four major types of windows available on the market and all these have pros and cons.

1.Wood frames -- Wood framed windows do not carry out heat well, which can be great because when you want to warm your house the heat will stay where you want it - on the inside! Sadly, wood frames most of the time end up having problems with swelling, shrinking, warping, and water damage and mold.

2.Clad-wood frames -- Clad-wood frames are designed with a normal wood frame that is protected with an external layer of a weatherproof material, for example vinyl or aluminum. Clad-wood is truly a great product; they are very durable and have a very good low thermal conductivity. The only problem here is that wood clad frames are pricy.

3.Aluminum frames -- These have better stability compared to plain wood. Additionally, they weigh less, are thinner in width and thusly are less difficult to use in some aspects. Although aluminum frames tend to be economical and very tough, they also have a tendency to transfer heat out of your home at a high rate, except if you obtain a top quality aluminum frame having an integrated thermal break.

4.Vinyl clad frames -- Vinyl frames are getting increasingly popular. Even though quality may vastly differ, the best vinyl frame is definitely a superb purchase. They don't carry out heat in the same manner that aluminum frames do, and they don't have the preservation issues of wood frames. Opt to get to an excellent welded corners to figure out you’re buying a quality frame.

Check out our website at Log Home Directory for the complete list of companies that specializes in log homes product like doors and windows.