Suggestions Concerning Log Homes Termite Problems

Below are a few basic ideas and suggestions concerning termite problems:

  • To start with, it's always best to make sure that that there's a decent distance between dirt and first wood, 8 inches at least for the majority of areas, and perhaps a lot more for those who are in termite prone areas. Placing concrete foundation among dirt and wood helps prevent harmful termites from reaching the wood since they experience difficulty in climbing up the concrete.
  • Do not bury any kind of wood around your house during the time of building.
  • Have an understanding of how termites interact with the type of foundation that your house rests on. Cinder block foundations are the very least suitable when it comes to pest protection simply because they often have huge fractures and breaks wherein harmful termites traverse undetected. The most beneficial foundation are pier blocks merely because give a good distance from dirt to first wood and there's simply no basement in which termites can easily enter your log home.
  • In termite prone places, it is also better to always employ a ‘termite shield’ atop your foundation. A termite shield is a thin type of sheet metal that is applied on top of your foundation beneath your sill plate. It extends out from your foundation several inches and it is tilted down just like a tiny downward angled wing that goes all around your foundation.
  • The precautionary strategy of final measure is to start treating the land around your home throughout the time of construction. This requires impregnating the soil using a pesticide, so termites won't be able to approach your home.
  • Last but not least, property owner should perform routine ocular inspections of their home. Such inspections will assure that preservation issues are likely to be resolved quickly, making it much easier to manage home maintenance related issues.
Check out more about Log Home maintenance at LOG CABIN DIRECTORY.